We are ICEUS. From all corners of the globe, to Fulda we have come. Our purpose, to study Intercultural Communication and European Studies. We think, we drink, we have intercultural experiences. Here we share them with all those brave enough to read on...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hey hey...It's snowing again.

Dear Everyone and...perhaps Everything,

Just to contest Marie's statement about being the only one blogging, here's a cool photo of Fulda. Cool in all literal meanings of the word.

Not much to say...really, other then to say that the student feed at the Golden Rad? is good and filling. Or is "good and filling" a Rich Point?

Ok I think I will leave that one to open debate....heheheh
Peace Out and I love your work!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

ICEUS Wisdom

ICEUS Wisdom

Meine lieben Kommilitonen,

even if only a few of you are regularly reading this blog...
I am taking the unthankful task on me (I bet this is a german-english false friend because it sounds very weird in english) to remind you to come to our incoming class tomorrow!
As you have read in Sabine's e-mail we want to discuss if we need a class spokesperson and vote for it tomorrow.
So all this doesn't make any sense if nobody is coming.
So please come and tell everybody...


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Die heutige Sprücheziehung

Die heutigen Sprüche auf meinen Schokoladenpapieren sind auch wieder sehr passend, deswegen möchte ich euch alle dran teilnehmen lassen!

Es gibt nur einen Weg zum Glück
und der bedeutet,
aufzuhören mit der Sorge um Dinge,
die jenseits der Grenzen
unseres Einflußvermögens liegen.


Wir leben zu sehr
in der Vergangenheit,
haben Angst in der Zukunft
und vergessen dabei völlig,
die Gegenwart zu genießen.

Deutsches Sprichwort

So, das war die heutige Ziehung, ich wünsche euch noch ein schönes Wochenende!


P.S.: Versteht ihr eigentlich alle das Wort "Ziehung", wisst ihr was damit gemeint ist? Es kommt von der Lottoziehung. Dem Moment wo die Lottozahlen gezogen werden. Ob Ziehung ein rich point ist? Wahrscheinlich ist es nicht häufig genug. hm.......

Thursday, January 19, 2006


falls jemand meine liebe und schwarze Handschuhe gefunden hat, gib mir bitte Bescheid.. danke euch im Voraus..

argh!! it's bloody cold mate!! brrrrr...*****


big party

hallo an alle!
morgen party! cool!!!!! freue mich auf euch alle!


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Vom Robert, den man Gern hardt

Für Hanne und Marie (im Besonderen)


Dinge gibt's, die verlernt man nicht
Zum Beispiel das Eieressen
So lange kein Ei mehr gegessen
Und dann lief's wie geschmiert:

Die Spitze eingeschlagen
Die Schale weggepellt
Das Salz aufs Ei getan
Das Ei verspeist.

"Nein, mein Freund, es ändert sich nichts
Ja, mein Freund, das solltest du feiern
Du, mein Freund, bleibst die Summe deiner Fähigkeiten
Bis ans, mein Freund, Ende deiner Tage.

Aber bis das mal kommt
Aber bis das erst einmal kommt
Aber bevor das erst mal kommt:
Hau drauf! Und immer:
Voll auf die Eier!"

Die anderen im Stile von:
"Kleine Maid
Beine breit
Keine Zeit."
sollten wir dann lieber in einer privateren Runde lesen... ;)

Und noch einen kleinen Auszug für unseren Mitschi:

Eines Tages geschah es Kant,
daß er keine Worte fand

Erst als man ihn zum Essen rief,
wurd' er wieder kreativ,
und sprach die schönen Worte:

"Gibt es hinterher noch Torte?"


Spruch des Tages

Der Spruch, der heute auf meinem Schokoladenpapier stand:

Es ist nicht wenig Zeit,
die wir haben,
sondern es ist viel Zeit,
die wir nicht nutzen.



Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Stilvoll geht die Welt zu Grunde...

...über den Nutzen von Verdrängungstätigkeiten.

Ich bin beruhigt, es scheint ein allgemeines und internationales Problem zu sein...Verdrängungstätigkeiten.
Aber der wahre Nutzen ist mir bisher noch verborgen geblieben. Tut es den Blumen gut plötzlich dauerbewässert zu werden? Gewinne ich an Wohlbefinden, wenn ich plötzlich mehr Tee trinke als sonst? Werde ich schlauer durch erhöhten Medienkonsum (inklusive Internet versteht sich)?
Ich weiß nicht. Aber mein Zimmer ist nie so ordentlich wie in den letzten Wochen des Semesters. Die Lebensqualität steigt deswegen aber nicht. Der psychische Dauerstress (= schlechtes Gewissen) kann wohl nur durch weitere Verdrängungstätigkeiten vermindert werden, die helfen den Berg an Aufgaben, den man vor sich herschiebt, zu ignorieren. Ein Teufelskreis? Wahrscheinlich.

Auf jeden Fall freue ich mich schon auf die parties diese und nächste Woche, denn...stilvoll geht die Welt zu Grunde.
In diesem Sinne....


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Thoughts of the day...

Wow, what a day!
I think this was the first time that I saw a reason behind the xenology projects! I learned so much about the concept of losing face! Incredible, even though this wasn’t intended by the project/s. But interesting indeed....
Now I’ve to try to forget about all this excitement, stop procrastinating (as this is the new word I learned from Bec today) and get back to work.

Wish y’all a great weekend!


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

another photos..

Ich hoffe es hat geklappt...
viel Spass

Monday, January 09, 2006

some updates

hi people,

after few attempts and little bit of efforts, I'm happy to tell you that iceus blog has been updated with a small shout box and some useful links. Feel free to leave your brief comments inside the box. hope you enjoy it!


Sunday, January 08, 2006

countdown has started!

the countdown has just started! I guess this would be the month where all the iceus juniors are so stressed and probably rather depressed with tons of tasks i.e. finishing the presentation from Prof. Ott (argh! beside preparing the presentation, we are also obliged to make minimum 15 pages homework from our topic! please sir, with all due respect! give us a break will you?), collecting more resources and writing them down for Prof. Zwengel's task (fyi, i'm still in a state of questioning what the advantages would be by doing this task. Oh well, we are required to do it anyway, so i guess it's not even worthwhile questioning it), gathering and reorganising things for xenology project (again another not-so-useful-but-we-are-forced-to-do-it project! i'm sorry Prof. Hinnenkamp, no offence!), reading more books and sorting material out for European Integration (hmm.. i'm speechless about this task! don't get me wrong. he's a good lecturer and also a decent human being, but there's something 'funny' with the way he lectures.. it's too monotone probably?), etcetera, and so on. Oh, not to forget to mention the papers that we must send to Prof. Hinnenkamp with his Semiotic and Pragmatic Models which i have just noticed today that some colleagues in iceus have not sent them yet (gee, i thought i was the only one in class who procrastinates about things. guess what...? there are plenty of them =P i don't really know whether i should be happy or sad knowing this fact).

despite the fact that we have only a few more weeks left before we have our semester holiday, i suppose everyone is trying their best to keep (or forced to keep) their mood going well so they can hold their current pace study rhythm and finish the first semester decently. there have not been many things happening lately since the new year's break. We have only one more lecture from Prof. Schrader in European Law sometime during this month, which i presume is a good thing for all of us because we won't be forced to wake up at 7.30 on wednesday morning again, rushing to the class hurriedly just to avoid the guilty feeling when we arrive late. I am actually a bit sad about it because it appears that we (or i personally) only started to enjoy this lecture after we'd been on the excursion to strasbourg. Enjoying the lecture in the sense it became clearer than it ever was before (at least for me personally because he always used such complicated law terms in German). Oh well, c'est la vie.. you never really know what you have til it's gone. He's a nice person and a competent lecturer afterall. Hmm, i'm quite anxious about the 3 hour exam as a result of the combination between Prof. Nothdurft and Prof. Hinnenkamp lectures (it's gonna suck!). On top of that, we still have to think or at least already have idea about where we are going to make our internship (I don't know whether i'm exaggerating about our current situation or if it really is that terrible! well, i guess im just self-pitying here..) hmm, it could be worse actually! we might fail in some exams and must repeat the lecture next year!

cheers matey!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Photos Anyone?!

Hello fellow iceus people. Good news. I've finally got around to uploading my photos so you can all download them to your hearts' content (click on photo to get bigger version). Yeah, would seem the frequency of blog entry leaving needs some work. Probably fair to say you are all doing more important things (like work for our course as I should probably be doing. Procrastination is a wonderful thing) but this blog will become rather unexciting if no-one leaves blogs except me and Bec so CRACK ON and join the world of bloggery (made-up word btw, but I rather like it...) [Lucy]