We are ICEUS. From all corners of the globe, to Fulda we have come. Our purpose, to study Intercultural Communication and European Studies. We think, we drink, we have intercultural experiences. Here we share them with all those brave enough to read on...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New EU Members


I'm not trying to be an EU expert or being interested to such topic as i fully recognised myself that i'm not and most probably will never be destined to be one of those people. However, i just read this NEWS from BBC that says that Romania and Bulgaria will be admitted to the European Union in January 2007 but under strict conditions. It remains to be seen whether EU will continue its current expansion furthermore..

Congratulation to Romania and Bulgaria! You've made it to EU!! =)


Friday, September 15, 2006


For everyone doing their internships and feeling darn right exploited, here is a Spiegel article offering some hope. Well, for future interns anyway...

I hope everyone is having a jolly good time, doing whatever they are doing. I am happy because the sun is shining down in Frankfurt (and doing its level best to make up for a horrible August), and I only have 2 hours and 20 minutes until the weekend starts. If there were cause for celebration, that would surely be it :-)

- Lucy