We are ICEUS. From all corners of the globe, to Fulda we have come. Our purpose, to study Intercultural Communication and European Studies. We think, we drink, we have intercultural experiences. Here we share them with all those brave enough to read on...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bloody Friday

Seht ihr, das haben wir davon einen ganzen Tag damit zu vergeuden sinnlos über Wald und Wiesen zu laufen und uns 2 Stunden irgendwo im Unterholz nierderzulassen.
Auf Internetseiten steht Zecken halten sich gerne auf Wiesen und im Unterholz auf. Hochzeckenzeit: April bis Oktober. Es wird empfohlen sich in schattigen Wäldern nicht lange an einer Stelle niederzulassen! How ironic!
So to make it clear: I just didn't walk without any results through the woods yesterday ignoring every possible precaution against ticks by walking for hours over pastures and sitting four hours in the middle of a bloody forest. I also got something from it. A tick!
I just found it a few hours ago in the middle of my little white tummy. After panicking a few minutes I found a few useful informations how to deal with it (http://www.br-online.de/umwelt-gesundheit/thema/zecken/tipps.xml). By the way they usually continue walking around up to 24h on your body before biting you so keep on searching! So the end of the story: I pulled it out and I am hopefully not getting any of the nasty diseases it is transmitting. http://www.br-online.de/umwelt-gesundheit/thema/zecken/lyme.xml and http://www.br-online.de/umwelt-gesundheit/thema/zecken/fsme.xml
But I feel confirmed once again that this friday was just one bloody friday! (Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes)

- grumpy Marie -


Blogger ICEUS said...

hehehe, that will teach you, Marie! You should have been more active during the "workshop", and not just sit in the corner being such an easy prey :-)
Sucks for you though,


7:23 PM


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