We are ICEUS. From all corners of the globe, to Fulda we have come. Our purpose, to study Intercultural Communication and European Studies. We think, we drink, we have intercultural experiences. Here we share them with all those brave enough to read on...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A day out of Fulda and Bec's party

Hi Everyone!

On Saturday some of the "fuldamentalists" betrayed their faith and left for a big city of Frankfurt. Bec, Seda, Lucy and Ragil enjoyed the opportunity of Hessen ticket, whereas some people, that is me, because of long-sleeping habits and not being sportive enough to make wiesnemuehle straße-hauptbahnhof track in 10 minutes had to enjoy a normal ticket in a company of already drunk(!) Frankfurt Eintracht fans, who were kind enough to share their beer.
The main purpose of going to Frankfurt was: Ragil> buying provisions from an Asian shop (eventually he had tones of things, that reminded me of witchcraft related ingridients, for having no clue in cooking at all); Seda> power shopping (what did you buy actually?); Lucy> going to Irish pub (the Fuldaer one was closed) and watching the football game of her beloved Liverpool with Westham (Liverpool won!); Me> enjoying the great Indian food, because thoughts about it lately were not letting me sleep normally; and Bec> enjoying our company in crazy outreaches from Fulda perhaps for the last time:-( and sorting out her things (what things i dont know, i arrived later in Frankfurt for above mentioned reasons:-).
All of us got what we wanted i guess,well...with some amount of the mixture of water, malted barley, hops and yeast too, that is beer:-).
To feel back in a big city with people around rushing somewhere was so pleasant. At some point, I had to remember the film Home Alone II, where Kevin arrives in New York and there is a long smile on his face, and he is always looking around, well at least that is how we felt, i guess.
After seeing Liverpool getting the Cup, we had to run to catch our train, which was fun, especially, when we were asking for the way to the train-station in a rush and nervous way, that even people around us must have felt uncomfortable:-).
Finally we arrived at Fulda train station, where i met the same fans, who i shared beer with, and got to know that Frankfurt Eintracht lost to Borussia Mönchengladbach.
Then, after girls got ready (i mean make-up and other routine stuff) we headed to Havana club for Bec's farewell, where some other iceussies and friends were gathered already. It was very nice and cosy evening, though a bit upsetting either:-(. Hope that Bec will recover a crazy year in Germany and will soon come up with new ideas of what she is going to do in the future. Personally, it feels now like a loss in our group, as she was so much associated with ICEUS and is a real mate of ours. I thought that I know what to say, but it is very hard to say something, as our sympathy and love for Bec is so deep that words would be very poor to describe the emotions.

On Monday we will see you Bec hopefully again before the departure to Brussels...
Kisses Bec!


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Freie Bildung! Keine Diskriminierung!

Hello Everyone!

As an international student in Hessischen Bundesland, I was very much dissappointed of its Government and some politicians attempting to introduce a new law, according to which higher education would no longer be free of charge in the region, which is contrary to the Constitution of the Bundesland, where it is clearly stated that education should be free. On the assembly of students held at Fulda University many expresed their worries and deep concerns on these initiatives.
The law foresees also discriminative regulations for students, non-citizens of the EU. That is, residents of the EU would have to pay 500 euros, and international students 3 times more, that is 1500 euros. It means Hessen closes its doors to residents of mostly poorer countries like South and Latin America, Asia and Africa, who would benefit from the education and in future would contribute in the development of their countries, and Hessische politicians, as it seems, are only against these sincere intentions. It would also be a death for such programs as International Management and ICEUS at University of Fulda.
Thankfully, there are still people, who have a common sense and hopefully will not simply give up before such contradictory regulations. And we all stand with them shoulder to shoulder and show full support.
There was also a demonstration held in Fulda against the implementation of the fees, and some more were promised to follow, though no agreement was shown on the issue of strikes yet.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bloody Friday

Seht ihr, das haben wir davon einen ganzen Tag damit zu vergeuden sinnlos über Wald und Wiesen zu laufen und uns 2 Stunden irgendwo im Unterholz nierderzulassen.
Auf Internetseiten steht Zecken halten sich gerne auf Wiesen und im Unterholz auf. Hochzeckenzeit: April bis Oktober. Es wird empfohlen sich in schattigen Wäldern nicht lange an einer Stelle niederzulassen! How ironic!
So to make it clear: I just didn't walk without any results through the woods yesterday ignoring every possible precaution against ticks by walking for hours over pastures and sitting four hours in the middle of a bloody forest. I also got something from it. A tick!
I just found it a few hours ago in the middle of my little white tummy. After panicking a few minutes I found a few useful informations how to deal with it (http://www.br-online.de/umwelt-gesundheit/thema/zecken/tipps.xml). By the way they usually continue walking around up to 24h on your body before biting you so keep on searching! So the end of the story: I pulled it out and I am hopefully not getting any of the nasty diseases it is transmitting. http://www.br-online.de/umwelt-gesundheit/thema/zecken/lyme.xml and http://www.br-online.de/umwelt-gesundheit/thema/zecken/fsme.xml
But I feel confirmed once again that this friday was just one bloody friday! (Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes)

- grumpy Marie -