Hola Kinder!
It's been a while and so I thought I could update you with all that is going on here.
First of all: I didn't start my Praktikum yet, so no exciting work reports for the moment. During the two weeks in july where it was soooo hot and everything felt like summer I worked at a "Druckerei/Schulbuchverlag" (printing press/school book publisher???) standing 8 hours a day next to the 270°C warm oven waiting for the shrink-wrapped catalogues to be spilled out onto the assembly line ready for me to pick them up and through them in packs of 25 neatly onto the pallet. I assure you I was soaking wet by the end of the day and wasn't able to lift up my arms anymore. I did this exactly those two weeks of summer. first week from 2p.m. to 10p.m. and the second week from 6a.m. to 2p.m. So. if anybody is interested...great thing to do.. haha (that was a joke)
After 2 weeks I decided I didn't want to continue and thought I would spend the rest of august lying in the sun. Well. My first monday off...it started raining and, to be honest, it didn't really stop until now.
In addition to this luck I got a message from the Leonardo office in Fulda saying that they wouldn't give me the scholarship for this internship because I handed it in one day too late. The thing that really drives me mad at this point is that I could have handed it in weeks before that (I had the time to do it) but I had a talk with Mrs. Leonardo (y'all know who she is)at the end of the semester in Fulda where she told me that there isn't any due date for a Leonardo sholarship for Belgium. Well and it is quite clear that afterwards people don't remember anything they said 4 weeks before. So in german I would now use a proverb saying "Mit ihr habe ich noch eine Rechnung offen." "I still have an open account/bill with her" meaning she should not meet me alone in the dark. :-) o.k. I already used enough energy being mad at all this. Let's go on to the nice sides of life:

I went to a world beat festival here in Wolfenbüttel. It was really great. On the first night ther life bands: Go.lem systems from Barcelona/Argentina and Los de abajo from Mexico. Really really cool music. On saturday night then there was a world beat dj night. And all this in the romantic setting of the castle courtyard of Wolfenbüttel. Very nice! Unfortunately there were very few people there which might be due to the fact that Wolfenbüttel is a small town and people didn't seem to know what world beat means so there were quite a lot of people who seemed to be awaiting a classical concert or something. But I had fun and couldn't here anything for the next two days because the trumpets and bass was so loud! But it was sooo cool. A little sad though that small town people seldom are in for something new. I thought all the time that it would have been a great festival with y'all being there and rocking the place!
At least Alberto was there. :-) no, he wasn't but that's what I thought first, when Go.lem systems came on the stage! Look at the pictures isn't that Alberto singing? Alberto: Does your brother sing?

So this was the event of the month I guess. I spent the rest of the month reading, sleeping, watching tv, eating ice cream, surfing the internet and from time to time working on the Honer Hausarbeit.
Oh and I have some more news: I won't be with y'all next summer semester. Some of you know that I applied for an InWEnt scholarship to spend 6 months in Chile doing an internship. Well. I went to Bonn in july for an interview and since last friday I know that I got the scholarship. So I will be in Chile at least from the 1st of march to the 31st of august 2007. No Master Thesis and no graduation party! :-(
But I am really excited at the sight of this upcoming adventure. And it really will be an adventure since the Chilenos (is this what you call people from Chile in English?) are supposed to speak the worst spanish of the world! citation: "it is an adventure even for good spanish teachers". Well if I compare this to my knwoledge of spanish which is practically not there...I guess it will be an adventure. But this is what I wanted. An adventure before the dull every-day business life begins. The downside: I have to find myself AGAIN a Praktikum until december. A Praktikum in Chile with just basic knowledge of continental spanish.hmmm. So if anybody has any hints or knows a place where I could work or knows the right people to address...I would be very happy! :-)
I will start my Praktikum in Brussels next week. I will be going on wednesday and my Praktikum starts then on friday until mid-november. Seeing it from the rainy august perspective now, I would have preferred to get the Praktikum done earlier so that I could relax a little until it starts again in Fulda. (I guess we will have a big "we are all back" party in Fulda in November won't we?) But I start getting excited a bit now and can't wait to stroll through Brussels with more time to see everything, especially the comic museum! :-)
So I don't know if all this was of interest for you guys but I wrote it anyway. Next news will come from Brussels!
Love to y'all